2011년 1월 17일 월요일

isn't it coooool~~~~~~~~~?!?!!~!!?
I really feel that they are enjoying the stage :)
a lot of singers nowadays acts like a machine but these guys are not

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay : "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.

Telling what to do is not a teaching. Helping students to realize and fix the wrong thing is a real thing. The mok in the movie "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", was a real teacher who helped the student to realize his fault by experiencing. One experience is better than hundred words of learning.

The little monk tied a stone to weak animals such as fish, frog and snake, not noticing how all creatures are important. The monk, his teacher saw what he was doing. And I predicted that nok will tell his boy how bad his behavior is. However, the mok didn't behave as I predicted. Rather than punishing his boy directly, he tied the stone to the boy sas the boy did. Then, the monk told his boy to untie all the animals. The boy realized how it is hard and suffering to carry stone everywhere. In addition, by seeing fish and snake dead by him, he noticed the imporance of all the creatures. If the mok just told the boy how his behavior is wrong and punished him, the little monk would not be able to realize himself. He might just notice the lesson for a moment because he didn't get the lesson himself. The monk did a really great job giving a lesson that how all the creatures are important and how we should treat them. He had a patient to wait for a boy to realize himself. Thus, the boy could learn himself. Actually, the boy cried when he saw snake died which shows he really felt bad and sorry.

The way that monk used to teach his boy was really impressive. I experienced a lot of teachers but there were not many who teached me in this way. They always told me what to do without helping me to realize my fault. Thus, the monk really did a great job teaching boy and helping him to notice his fault.

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Writing Chain : School Uniforms

I chose this topic(school uniforms) for our writing chain because we debated about this topic and I thought we could be more creative by thinking and reveiwing this topic again. As I expected, my classmates had a lot of ideas about this topic. Firstly, when I started this essay, I devided into three reasons why school uniforms are useful, educational, social and economical side. Honestly, I was little worried if we can continue our essay according to those factors but those worries were not actually needed !!! Even though there were some sentences which didn't continue the story, this essay was really fluent overally. I cut some lines and edited things which didn't go fluently, so plz understand if your lines are different or not here :)

  In my opinion, school uniforms should be used in Korea. Actually, there a lot of opposing arguments against this position, but there is no stronger reason to persuade me.

  To start with, I'll devide my argument into educational, social and economical factor. Wearing school uniforms help students to be more educational. As student's major duty is to study hard, students should be focusing on their duty. Allowing studentsto wear as they want can lead them into unecessary interests and field other than studying. Of course, students have rights and freedom but all of those come after duty and responsibility. Not caring about their major duty and being not responsible as student will not help them with anything. To learn how to be responsible, they must learn to focus on their work. In addition, school uniforms hlep students recognizing their school and to study because wearing school uniforms make them think they are in school and makes them feel more responsible as a student.

  Socially, wearing school uniforms can also lessen feeling of alienation among students whose families are not rich. They cannot afford to buy expensive, trendy clothes. They might feel they are different and isolated just because of their clothes. Also, somestudnets can be distubed by other's stylish clothes. As I mentioned before, school is a place to study not a place to do a fasion show orto discriminate or disturb others by clothes.

 And this social factor is related to third argument, economical areas of this issue. Wearing school uniforms can reduce the costfor clothes. Once they buy school uniforms, there are no needs to buy more clothes or to worry about clothes. Thinking of the total amount of the money, buying school uniforms are much more beneficial than buying clothes as teenagers are growing rapidly and trends are changing frequently.

  To sum up, school uniforms should beused in Korea because first, they give responsibilities, unity to students. Also, students can stay more friendly with others, and lastly, school uniforms are beneficial in ecomically. Korea should not change their policies about school uniforms and just keep go on with today's policies.

Film Review : Dead Poet's Society

To be honest, I already wrote book reveiw of Dead Poet's Society  at the first day here for essay writing. However, as movie is somewhat different from book, I want to write review about Dead Poet's Society again!!
You might feel this movie would be boring just because of the title, but it is actually not.
At least, for me, it was one of the few movies which gave me enjoyment and good message while watching.

This movie is a 1989 movie starring Robin Williams and directed by Peter Weir. It is the story about boys is prep school and English teacher who inspires his students to change their lives.
Even though this is movie from 1989, I could feel that the situation is quite similar from that in Korea right now.
I will just quickly review the whole story,

Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton, Rchard Camron, Steven Meeks, Know Overstreet, and Gerard Pitts are senior studnets of the Welton Academy prep school. The students in Welton highschool are always under the pressure of school and parents. They were studied and lived for school and parents like machines. Then, oneday, new enligh teacher came to the academy, John Keating. He was totally different with the other teachers in the school, and also followed different moto with school's. Instead of "tradition, honour, discipline and excellence", he focused on th idea of "carpe diem". He wanted his students to enjoy everdaylife themselves by doing what they really want and making all the efforts. Teacher Kitting ripped the introduction of their useless books, he has the students stand on his desk to help them looking the world in different perspectives. Because of the Keating, the boys realized what they really want and remade a school club named "Dead Poets Society".
And during those days, the named Neil was having difficulty himself because of his parents. He really wanted be an actor, but their parents would never allowed it. Sadly, he suicided because he felt he cannot endure the pressure. The school made John Keating responsible for this and fired him.
Now, the English class is taught by Nolan, the principal. However, until last moment, the boy respected John Keating as a real teacher.

John Keating inspired the boys in Welton, and he also inspired me a lot. To be honest, it is not a exaggeration to say that I could meet turning point of my life by this book. Instead of studying like machine without any reasons because of my parents, I could study with my own reason, to achieve my own dream. As John Keating wanted his student to seize the day, I also want to
be a girl who can do what I want and who can seize the day!~!!!~!!

I couldn't remeber some names of boy so I used this site !!

I'm in GLPS~~!~!!!

HEY!!! 1!!!!!

nice view of KMLA ^$^
 i am now writing this in GLPS in KMLA XD
As you see, that picture on the left is KMLA.
Actually, this school is in the middle of nowhere......If you go out, there is only snow and mountains....ㅠㅠㅠb

okay,....Just in case you guys don't know about this camp,
I will shortly introduce what is GLPS !

Though I was staying here just for 4 days, it was
enough to know a lot of things about here.
The concept of this camp is to make us as students who can study ourselves, and also to help us being a better, qualified students who can come to KMLA. To follow this concept, we have kind of a hard schedule everyday.....T^T It is so hard for me to wake up at 7 everyday on the vacation. I just hope I will get used to this schedule soon...or after!!! Actually, as I am in 25 class which is part of intensive course, we just have history, debate, writing, and math. I sometimes envy students who have music, PE, or other kind of classes. But i'm trying to satisfy with my timetable as it is more helpful for me :)  I've been taking classes as one of 25 class since yesterday. We spent almost 2 days to take a level test and to select students who can come to intensive course. First day, we had a writing test which asked us to write two essays. And then, we also had an oral interview!! It was really fun to talk with my future teacher so I just enjoyed my interview.
to get more information about this camp, you can visit http://www.glps.co.kr/ ^ㅡ^

time's almost upㅠㅠ so i will just end this shortly!!
I am really enjoying being here and to study with my new friends....! i think this new environment o KMLA is giving me another motivation to study.
I will write more as I get used to this schedule-!!!Cya